
顾地周*, 陆爽, 解艳君
通化师范学院生物系, 吉林通化134002

通信作者:顾地周;E-mail: gudizhou@163.com;Tel: 0435-3208073

摘 要:

收稿:2009-11-03   修定:2009-12-23

资助:国家科技部“ 国家科技攻关计划引导项目”(2005BA741C)。

In vitro Culture and Rapid Propagation of Young Leaves of Gentiana triflora Pall.

GU Di-Zhou*, LU Shuang, XIE Yan-Jun
Department of Biology, Tonghua Normal College, Tonghua, Jilin 134002, China

Corresponding author: GU Di-Zhou; E-mail: gudizhou@163.com; Tel: 0435-3208073


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